
From community help to premium critical business support, we're here to help.

Get the Support You Need, When You Need It! 🌟

We are committed to delivering exceptional customer service and support at every step of your journey. Our team is here to quickly and efficiently address small issues, critical business needs, or any assistance you require. Please feel free to reach out to us - we're more than happy to lend a hand!

Join Our Thriving Community! 🌍

Plus UI is not just a design system; it's a gateway to a vibrant community of designers and developers crafting incredible things. Our framework-agnostic component library is at your disposal, along with a wealth of resources and support to resolve any queries or challenges with our products. Dive in and discover what Plus UI and its community can do for you!


Plus UI uses GitHub issues to track both bugs and feature requests. If you believe you have discovered a bug, or have an idea for a new feature, please first ensure that it has not already been reported or addressed via reported or fixed. You can search through existing issues and pull requests to determine if someone has reported an issue similar to yours.

Open an issue on Plus UI ↗️

  • When creating a title, please start with '[ComponentName]' if applicable, followed by a concise description that helps others find similar issues. For example: "[Input Component] ask for support "

  • To avoid spamming maintainers, please use GitHub reactions instead of commenting.

Figma Community

You can join our Figma Community where you can connect with other designers and our team.

Join our community on Figma↗️


Our Discord Chat is open to the public to ask for help and/or help others, share ideas and feedback, show the community what you are working on, and live chat with other designers and developers.

Join our Discord Chat↗️


Follow on Twitter for the latest updates and announcements about Plus UI.

Follow us on Twitter↗️

Feature Request

If you have a new feature idea or issue that you would like to address directly with our team, you can submit a request via Canny.

Submit a feature request↗️

Pro Support

Pro support covers only Plus UI Component Library and Plus UI Design System.

The support available under the Community plan is made possible thanks to people like you: the community! When you purchase a Plus UI Pro license, you gain access to technical support for the duration of your subscription. Recommended channels are:

  • GitHub: You can open a new issue and leave your Order ID (or Support key), so we can prioritise accordingly.

  • Canny: You can open a new issue and leave your Order ID (or Support key), so we can prioritise accordingly.

  • Email: If you have a specific question or issue that you would like to address directly with our team, you can email us at Our support team will respond to your email as soon as possible. Including your Order ID (or Support key) in the issue helps us prioritize the issues.

Custom Work

Contact us to find out your project’s specific requirements and we might give you an estimate of time and price if the work is straightforward and suggest alternative solutions.

Contact us for Enterprise Plan

Send us email

If you have a specific question or issue that you would like to address directly with our team, you can email us at Our support team will respond to your email as soon as possible.

Last updated